Veterinarian Hospital Vs. Clinic. Where Should You Take Your Pet?

Posted on: 5 February 2020

The health and welfare of your pet is your number one priority. When they get sick or need specialized treatment, it may be hard to decide who to call first, your local vet or a veterinarian hospital. So, what's really the difference? Here are a few examples and also an overview of some of the services they both offer. This should make your decision a little bit easier. 

Checkups and General Medicine

In order to keep your pet thriving and living their best life, they will need regular checkups from their veterinarian. The vet will go over the basic care and recommend the proper vaccinations and tests that are required depending on their age. This is also a good place to ask your vet about any physical concerns regarding your pet's overall health and well-being. Preventative care is a top priority with all veterinarians. De-worming, flea treatments, prescription medications, and nutritional care are all things that you can discuss with your local veterinarian at a routine appointment. Many procedures are also carried out in the vet's office. This includes spaying, neutering, and other minor surgeries and procedures.  

Urgent Care

Accidents and illnesses pop up out of nowhere at times, especially with our fur-babies. When something comes up like a broken bone, vomiting, or a bout of extreme lethargy, it definitely warrants a trip to the vet. If your vet can't get you in right away or it's after-hours, an urgent care clinic may be the only option. They are a mix between a veterinarian office and a hospital. They often have the ability to care for emergency situations and often have an in-house laboratory, so you can get answers and a diagnosis right away. They are staffed with vets and vet assistants who are qualified and able to make an initial diagnosis and remedy a solution. From there, your pet can follow up with their regular veterinarian in the next few days.

Major Surgeries and Advanced Testing

Has your pet been diagnosed with a disease or condition that requires surgical intervention? Need a second opinion on a new diagnosis? If so, your vet may refer you out to a veterinary hospital. They have specialized docs and surgeons who are familiar with operating on and treating many types of medical conditions. Their capabilities are advanced and intricate, offering you definitive answers on inconclusive lab results you may have received from your regular vet. Cancer, diabetes, and rare animal diseases are all something that fall under a veterinary hospital umbrella. They have the diagnostic tools to make proper determinations in care plans and to provide the best treatment outcome possible. 

The main goal is to have a happy and thriving pet. Whether it's a canine, feline, or pet bunny, choose a veterinarian and staff who can deliver the services your pet needs. For more information, contact companies like Sepulveda Animal Hospital.
