Three Reasons Why Pets Often Need Oral Surgery

Posted on: 9 September 2021

Cats and dogs make use of their mouth for a whole range of different tasks that humans simply use their hands for. Everything from carrying their kittens and pups all the way through to fighting off or hunting vermin, your pet's mouth and teeth will get a workout almost every day. That is why even though their teeth and mouth may look fine, they often require pet oral surgery every few years. There are many factors that can cause your pet to require surgery, and they are not always obvious, which is why frequent trips to the vet are so important.

Bad Smells

Most dogs' and cats' mouths will have a certain odor to them, but that is different from the smell of rotting flesh and teeth, which is what you need to be worried about. This is a much more pungent aroma that never goes away, and your pet will be reticent to let you brush their teeth if this is indeed the cause. They might look fine on the outside, but something has clearly infected their teeth and mouth. This could have been a small cut that got infected, or it could just be poor hygiene. Whatever the case, when you get a bad whiff from your pet's mouth that won't go away, pet oral surgery might be needed.

Invisible Teeth

While this might sound like something out of a superhero movie, invisible teeth are actually those that are just beneath the surface but never properly developed as they should. Just as baby teeth get forced out by adult teeth in humans, your dog and cat's teeth should come through their gums as they grow older. If that doesn't happen, their mouth might look normal, but they are likely in quite severe pain due to the feeling of their teeth continuously rubbing on the layer of gum above it. 

Gum Problems

Even if everything looks fine with your pet's teeth, there can still be a very dangerous disease lurking in their mouth. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is vicious and affects everything, even down to the bone, which is why your pet will need its teeth removed and replaced. Their current teeth will be very painful to use because there is simply no more strength in the gums. If you see your dog or cat struggling to eat even though nothing outwardly seems wrong, you may need to visit a pet oral surgeon as soon as possible.
