What To Watch For After Your Cat Has A Hairball

Posted on: 5 December 2019

Cats have hairballs all the time, but that doesn't mean that it's normal or healthy. A healthy cat shouldn't produce hairballs on a regular basis, or preferably, at all. This is because hair can't be digested by a cat's body and can present a lot of problems, like blockages in the intestines.  If your cat has had a hairball, keep an eye out for these symptoms. If you notice any of them, get help from a veterinarian right away. [Read More]

4 Reasons to Regularly Take Your Pet to the Vet

Posted on: 19 November 2019

Your furry friend is a big part of your life. It takes more than just food, water, and plenty of love to help your pet live a healthy and happy life. By keeping up with routine veterinary appointments, you can make sure that your pet is feeling great and that there are no issues present. It can be easy to forget about scheduling vet appointments when life gets busy, but it is important to do so. [Read More]