
  • What To Expect When You Take Your Dog To An Emergency Animal Hospital

    For most people, their dogs become beloved members of their family, so it can be quite alarming and stressful when they suddenly become ill or are injured. During normal business hours, you can contact your dog's normal veterinarian for a same-day appointment. However, illness and injury can often occur outside of normal business hours. Luckily, most cities and metro areas have multiple emergency animal hospitals to assist owners and their dogs when care is needed right away. [Read More]

  • Bringing A New Puppy Home? Why It Needs To Have Its Own Bed

    If you're about to bring a new puppy home, you'll want to invest in supplies. One supply that you might forget is the bed. Many people fail to provide the one item that puppies need most of all. In fact, grown dogs need them as well. You might think that your puppy doesn't need a bed. But, that's not the case. Here are four important reasons why your puppy needs a bed. [Read More]

  • How to Protect Your Cat from Coronavirus

    Initially, there was little evidence that other species could catch the coronavirus as humans can, but unfortunately, it's now been shown that cats can get sick with it, too. If you're wondering how you can protect your cat from this condition, here's what you should know and do. How Cats Get It So far, it seems like cats can catch the coronavirus in one of two ways: from humans infected with it and other cats infected with it. [Read More]

  • What You Need to Know About Protecting Your Pup from Parvo

    If you recently acquired a puppy, you undoubtedly want your new pet to live a long, healthy, and happy life. Unfortunately, puppies sometimes lose their lives to diseases such as Parvo before their first birthday. Although you should get your puppy vaccinated as soon as possible, it's important to realize that you should nonetheless take certain additional precautions. Vaccines do not provider immediate immunity — full protection may take as long as two weeks from the time of the vaccine, and your dog will have to one booster four weeks after the initial vaccine and an annual booster shot after that. [Read More]

  • Veterinarian Hospital Vs. Clinic. Where Should You Take Your Pet?

    The health and welfare of your pet is your number one priority. When they get sick or need specialized treatment, it may be hard to decide who to call first, your local vet or a veterinarian hospital. So, what's really the difference? Here are a few examples and also an overview of some of the services they both offer. This should make your decision a little bit easier.  Checkups and General Medicine [Read More]

  • Worried About Boarding A Nervous Dog? 3 Tips To Have A Good Experience

    Bringing your dog to a boarding kennel can come with some extra challenges when your dog gets especially nervous in new settings or simply in the setting of a boarding facility. While there's a lot you can do to make sure that your dog is comfortable by wearing them down before getting dropped off, there's a lot of extra things you can do to make sure that your dog is likely to have a good experience instead of feeling especially nervous while you're gone. [Read More]

  • Your Pet Depends On You, See A Vet When They Are Not Acting Normal

    Unlike a child, a pet cannot tell you what is wrong with them. Quite often they will not even act strange or show signs of being sick until it has gotten bad. With all the information available on the  internet, websites, and social media, it can be tempting to try to diagnose the problem and take care of it yourself. Unfortunately, the information is not always accurate. The best thing to do when you notice your pet is not behaving as normal is to see a veterinarian. [Read More]

  • Does Your Pet Need To Go To The Animal Hospital? 4 Reasons Why You Should

    When your pet is in distress, it can sometimes be difficult to tell. Your pet isn't going to come to you with a problem like a human would. Your pet may have an issue that requires medical attention right away, and you may not know what signs to keep an eye out for. Read on for a few reasons why you should take your pet to the veterinarian hospital for treatment. [Read More]

  • What To Watch For After Your Cat Has A Hairball

    Cats have hairballs all the time, but that doesn't mean that it's normal or healthy. A healthy cat shouldn't produce hairballs on a regular basis, or preferably, at all. This is because hair can't be digested by a cat's body and can present a lot of problems, like blockages in the intestines.  If your cat has had a hairball, keep an eye out for these symptoms. If you notice any of them, get help from a veterinarian right away. [Read More]

  • 4 Reasons to Regularly Take Your Pet to the Vet

    Your furry friend is a big part of your life. It takes more than just food, water, and plenty of love to help your pet live a healthy and happy life. By keeping up with routine veterinary appointments, you can make sure that your pet is feeling great and that there are no issues present. It can be easy to forget about scheduling vet appointments when life gets busy, but it is important to do so. [Read More]